Guide for Presenters
The official language of the conference is English.
Poster Presentation
At the beginning of each poster session, a short PowerPoint presentation of the paper and the related poster will take place, where the maximum available time is 3 minutes. Otherwise, the presentation will be cut off by the chair. The recommended content of the short presentation is no more than 3 slides (opening slide – please see template here, with name, title, affiliation, and poster number, slide with a short description of the problem and the experimental methodology and slide with main results in short form).
After these short talks, the session will continue with a discussion next to the poster board.
Posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the conference.
The poster board dimensions are:
Width: 90 cm (36 inches)
Height: 120 cm (47 inches)
Orientation: Portrait
You should bring your poster with you in the print form already to the conference site. Your poster should be mounted on Thursday, 16 May. Posters should be removed on the last day of the conference (Saturday, 18 May).
Each poster board will have a specific number (formated as TOPIC and Paper ID – ex. A00). Please make sure to mount your poster on the poster board with the number corresponding to the number assigned to your poster presentation.
Oral Presentation
Oral presentations cannot exceed 20 minutes (including Q&A). The chairperson will check the time of your presentation. Please be advised that presentations exceeding the limit will be cut off by the chair in the interest of time. Please try to summarize your results in 10-15 slides.
The keynote presentation time is 30 minutes, including Q&A.
In order to give a presentation, you need to deliver your files to the lecture room before the session starts. Presenters do not have to bring their own computer. There will be a Windows based laptop computer that will be available in the session room. Your presentations will be accepted in USB Flash drive form. The computer will be provided to upload presentations and test them in the meeting room before a particular section starts. There will also be technical support to assist you in all technical matters.
The preferred presentation format is a PowerPoint file (*.pptx) with a 16:9 aspect ratio. However, you can also bring a video file, PDF file, or PowerPoint in a 4:3 aspect ratio.
Please note that Apple Keynote and Prezi presentations are not supported, and they have to be converted into PPT or PDF files.
When saving your final presentation to the USB stick do not forget to make sure to include your video files and all links to these multimedia files.
Supported file types:
- Presentation: PPT, PPTX, PDF
- Video: AVI, MPG, MKV, MOV, MP4, WMV
- Audio: WMA, MP3, WAV
- Pictures: JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF