International Steering Committee
ISSE International Steering Committee
In alphabetical order

Name: George Angelov
Country: Bulgaria
Organisation: Technical University Sofia
Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies

Name: Chris Bailey
Country: United Kingdom
Organisation: Greenwich University
Maritime Greenwich Campus Old Royal Naval College

Name: Tomáš Blecha
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: University of West Bohemia
Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Name: Detlef Bonfert
Country: Germany
Organisation: Fraunhofer Research Institution for Modular Solid State Technologies, EMFT

Name: Attila Bonyár
Country: Hungary
Organisation: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Electronics Technology

Name: Radu Bozomitu
Country: Romania
Organisation: “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications

Name: Mihai Branzei
Country: Romania
Organisation: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

Name: David Bušek
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: Czech Technical University in Prague
Department of Electrotechnology

Name: Emilian Ceuca
Country: Romania
Organisation: University “1 Decembrie 1918”
Department Electronics, Faculty of Science

Name: Norocel Codreanu
Country: Romania
Organisation: Politehnica University of Bucharest

Name: Karel Dušek
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Name: Andrzej Dziedzic
Country: Poland
Organisation: Wrocław University of Science and Technology , Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

Name: Attila Géczy
Country: Hungary
Organisation: Budapest University of Technology and Economics , Department of Electronics Technology

Name: Elitsa Gieva
Country: Bulgaria
Organisation: Technical University of Sofia

Name: Balázs Illés
Country: Hungary
Organisation: Budapest University of Technology and Economics , Department of Electronics Technology

Name: Ciprian Ionescu
Country: Romania
Organisation: Politehnica University of Bucharest

Name: Golta Khatibi
Country: Austria
Organisation: Inst. of Chemical Technologies and Analytics

Name: Milica Kisic
Country: Serbia
Organisation: University of Novi Sad, Facutly of Technical Sciences, Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

Name: Ryszard Kisiel
Country: Poland
Organisation: Warsaw University of Technology
Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics

Name: Oliver Krammer
Country: Hungary
Organisation: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Electronics Technology

Name: Ioan Liţă
Country: Romania
Organisation: University of Pitesti
Faculty of Electronics, Communications, and Computers

Name: Peter Lukacs
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky TUKE

Name: Pavel Mach
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Name: Piotr Markowski
Country: Poland
Organisation: Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics

Name: Petko H. Mashkov
Country: Bulgaria
Organisation: University of Ruse

Name: Bogdan Mihailescu
Country: Romania
Organisation: Politehnica University of Bucharest

Name: Goran Mišković
Country: Austria
Organisation: Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Senior Project Manager Technology Excellence Predevelopment

Name: Madalin Vasile Moise
Country: Romania
Organisation: National University of Science and Technology Politehnica University of Bucharest
Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques

Name: James E. Morris
Country: USA
Organisation: Portland State University

Name: Nencho Nenov
Country: Bulgaria
Organisation: Technical University Sofia Department of Transport Equipment, Todor Kableshkov University of Transport

Name: Johann Nicolics
Country: Austria
Organisation: Vienna University of Technology

Name: Krzystof Nieweglowski
Country: Germany
Organisation: Technische Universität Dresden
Institute of Electronic Packaging Technology

Name: Maria Vesna Nikolić
Country: Serbia
Organisation: Department of Materials Science, IMSI
Institute for Multidisciplinary Research

Name: Ostap Oliinyk
Country: Ukraine
Organisation: National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” KPI

Name: Alena Pietriková
Country: Slovakia
Organisation: Technical University of Košice

Name: Ovidiu Pop
Country: Romania
Organisation: Applied Electronics Department Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Name: František Steiner
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: University of West Bohemia
Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Name: Stoyan Stoyanov
Country: United Kingdom
Organisation: Greenwich University
Maritime Greenwich Campus
Old Royal Naval College

Name: Anna Stoynova
Country: Bulgaria
Organisation: Technical University Sofia
Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies

Name: Pavel Šteffan
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: Brno University of Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication

Name: Petr Veselý
Country: Czech Republic
Organisation: Czech Technical University in Prague
Department of Electrotechnology

Name: Adrian Tulbure
Country: Romania
Organisation: University “1 Decembrie 1918”
Department Electronics, Faculty of Science

Name: Heinz Wohlrabe
Country: Germany
Organisation: Dresden University of Technology
Centre of Microtechnical Production

Name: Klaus-Jürgen Wolter
Country: Germany
Organisation: Dresden University of Technology
Electronics Packaging Lab