
How to get there
By plane
The international airport Praha-Ruzyně is 21km far from the IMG conference building. Travelling from the airport to the IMG conference centre you can use either public transport or taxi. Public shuttle bus (line 119) travels approximately each 10 minutes from the airport to Dejvická metro station. From Dejvická you will take the train in direction Depo Hostivař and at Museum station you will chase the lines taking line C with direction Háje. You will leave the underground in station Budějovická (exit direction Poliklinika Budějovická) where you will catch the bus line 203 heading to Ústavy Akademie Věd. You can also leave the underground at Kačerov station – there you can catch the bus 138 heading to Ústavy Akademie Věd. This station is just next to IMG conference centre. This journey takes approximately 60 minutes.
Taxis are departing both from Terminals 1 and 2. The operators guaranteed by the airport are AAA Radiotaxi and Radiocab Taxi. The one way travel to IMG conference centre will cost you about 700CZK.
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By train
After arriving to Hlavní nádraží (Prague main railway station) you will take the underground (located in the arrival hall) in direction Háje. You will leave the underground in station Budějovická (exit direction Poliklinika Budějovická) where you will catch the bus line 203 heading to Ústavy Akademie Věd. You can also leave the underground at Kačerov station – there you can catch the bus 138 heading to Ústavy Akademie Věd. This station is just next to IMG conference centre. Both options take approximately 25 minutes.
The price of taxi from Hlavní nádraží to IMG conference centre should be approximately 350 CZK
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By bus
From Florenc central bus station, where most of both Czech and International lines are arriving,you will follow the signs to the Florenc underground station – line C and you will take the train direction Haje. You will leave the underground in station Budějovická (exit direction Poliklinika Budějovická) where you will catch the bus line 203 heading to Ústavy Akademie Věd. You can also leave the underground at Kačerov station – there you can catch the bus 138 heading to Ústavy Akademie Věd. This station is just next to IMG conference centre. This journey takes approximately 30 minutes.
Price for the taxi from Florenc to IMG conference centre should not be higher than 400CZK
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By public transport
The easiest way to IMG conference centre is by bus. Bus 138 is heading to station Ústavy Akademie Věd, which is next to the conference centre (you can take the bus e.g. at metro station Kačerov). Bus 203 (e.g. from metro station Budějovická) will take you there as well. Both journeys take approximately 10 minutes from both underground stations.
Public transport routes, pricelist and timetables can be found at
By car
From South
You will arrive to Prague along D1 motorway up to exit Spořilov and then follow straight along 5.Května street. After 2 km, you will turn right to City circle, but you will leave it on the first possible exit (Krč-východ). You will pass under the circle and follow straight for 3 km up to bus station Ústavy Akademie Věd. IMG conference centre is just right from the station.
From North
You will arrive along the D8 motorway and than you have to follow the signs to city centre (centrum). The signage will lead you to main inner city road, you will cross the Vltava river and follow straight up to exit to City Circle. (exit Braník). You will leave the Circle on the first exit (Krč-východ). Then you will pass under the circle and follow straight for 3 km up to bus station Ústavy Akademie Věd. IMG conference centre is just right from the station.
From East
Follow D11 motrway up to exit 2 (Horní Počernice) and then follow the City Circle for 15 km. Then leave the circle at exit Krč-východ, pass under the circle and follow straight for 3 km up to bus station Ústavy Akademie Věd. IMG conference centre is just right from the station.
From West
When entering Prague by D5 motorway you will bear right at exit 1 (Třebonice) towards Prague Circle. At exit 16 (Slivenec) you will leave Prague Circle and follow City Circle for next 10 km up to Exit Krč-západ. Turn immediately right to Sulická street and after 1 km turn left to Zálesí street. On the main crossing turn right to Vídeňská street, that will lead you to bus station Ústavy Akademie Věd. IMG conference centre is just right from the station.